Lion’s Gate 8/8 Portal & New Moon in Leo (August 2021)
Photo by Kayla Kozlowski on Unsplash
Watch the recorded Instagram Live reading (auto-captioning available in-app).
This indicates that some cycles are closing/have been closed and the huge invitation has been to say goodbye to things that no longer serve us and get ready to step through the Portal, and enter into a time of rebirth.
🍂TO LEAVE BEHIND: 2 of Pentacles
Can we leave behind society’s ideas of what is the “most useful” thing to plant? Can we look at our offerings and trust that how we want to serve will get us where we need to be, with resources? What kind of soil are we sowing our seeds in?
🌱To TAKE WITH US: 8 of Pentacles Rv
Let us take with us the patience of really dedicating our time to something we love. If you’ve been feeling like perhaps all your hard work recently has gone unacknowledged & unrecognised, this card is here to say: someone sees all the small and big ways which you have been quietly strong, and making sacrifices. You might not be able to see it now, but it’s all been contributing and building towards something big and great.
🪄TOOL FOR MANIFESTATION: Ace of Wands Reversed
There might be quite a few of us feeling feeling uninspired, lost when it comes to how we can be creative in our jobs, lives etc.
Ace of Wands invites us to create enough space in our rest cycles for this curiosity and play to blossom. Not everyone knows what they are passionate about always, so when we are manifesting our life goals, can we start by being open to going back to sparks of curiosity and play?
🗡 🤴 WHAT’S AHEAD: King of Swords Rv
KoS is about a calling to step up and let some sort of truth that wants to come through us and be spoken out into the world.
The reversal to me is such a wonderful acknowledgement from the Universe about the fear all of us experience when we are asked to do that. This card is here to say: that’s okay. Can we feel that fear and do it anyway? Can we tap into that Leo courage and trust that the old us has died and we are ready to step into a new cycle of freedom?