The Manifestor Diaries: An Introduction
Kia ora y’all, what’s good! First off, my ikura (period) has finally arrived after being like 2-3 weeks late, and boy was I feeling my own PMS trine with the after-effects of that full moon in Cancer… 😂 plus I had been around some people with dark, disempowered, unhappy energy and I felt that fully depressed the next day. Thank god I had a session with my Spiritual Coach/Healer L and she cleaned that shit right off me and we agreed that the Universe had a moment of showing me the door that I closed… well, it’s time to be locked, because that’s what 2023 is for! Locking the doors we closed in 2022 and don’t I love it!
Firstly- harae mai, 欢迎到 & welcome welcome welcome to my first blog post of THE MANIFESTOR DIARIES.
I must say the start of 2023 has really been fruitful and joyously challenging- if you guys haven’t already heard, I’m doing Simone Grace Seol’s Garbage Post Challenge which is 100 social media posts in 30 days. I started on 1st January 2023 so I’m on Day 13- almost halfway. It’s brought up heaps of stuff for me and forced me to get honest with myself on my core beliefs and values around being a healer. But I’ll do a post about that in a couple of days.
One of the beautiful baby realisation fruits I’ve had through doing the challenge is that I really can’t shut up about Human Design and being a Manifestor. For quite some time, my friend Sandra Washington (who is also a spiritual/life coach and fellow Manifestor) and I have been talking about how there are so little Manifestor-led resources and how we might potentially want to collaborate in this area. Regardless of these come to fruition or not, I I have been feeling the call to start writing about my journey from the lens of HD- I mean, I already talk about it incessantly with friends, so, if you’re a Manifestor and reading this, I hope you find this useful.
Amanda, wtf is Human Design?
First things first, if you have no idea what I’m talking about, Human Design is another belief system that I liken to astrology on drugs. It’s frequently marketed and referred to as the “Science of Differentiation” and divides our entire population into 5 different energy types.
Human Design is a system that can help you to understand your unique self, and to live in a way that is in sync with who you are.
Your Human Design Chart is calculated using your birth date, time, and place, to reveal your genetic design. On the most practical level, it shows you where and how to access your body’s consciousness as a decision-making tool, and ultimately, how to live as your true self.
It offers a map, or a manual, that indicates how you are unique as a person, and guides you in living in a manner that is in sync with who you are. When we live in alignment with our true nature, we begin to experience a level of comfort and acceptance for who we are, instead of chasing who we are not—and we’re able to live out our real purpose in the world - Human Design
The rough idea behind it is that we’ve all been conditioned into homogeneity, when actually, we are designed to play a very unique and differentiated role in the world. If all of us were living according to our design, then we would all collectively be able to live in peace, harmony, spiritual acension etc.
It’s true tho. I mean, if we want any social justice and liberation for minority groups, we gotta stop thinking and wanting to be the same. We got to get comfortable with difference. Politically, I lean towards a general abolitionist school of thought so collectively I think dismantling neoliberalism as we know it is the only way to less poverty. On an individual level, I think we all need to start loving ourselves radically so we can stop being power-hungry assholes/ at the mercy of these oppressive structures and find agency where we can.
HD is a tool that grants me agency; it is tool of deconditioning from what this neoliberalist system wants/needs me to be. I heard something once where someone said “if astrology tells you what you are, human design is like a roadmap to how to be more yourself” or something like that. I personally think it’s a great tool for understanding yourself, how you are conditioned to operate vs. how you really operate outside of conditioning. If this is predeterminative essentialism, I’m here for it.
If you want to learn more, one of my favourite resources and introductions is The Wild Pixel’s “Human Design for the curious” blog post. and also her companion piece that actually gives you a very digestible run down of it’s history in Cultural Appropriation in Human Design. If you want something more official, here’s the original official Human Design Introduction by the Jovian Archive. Also, if you’re vaguely interested and see me IRL, please read into it, do your chart so I don’t need to explain everything the next time we see each other lol.
How Human Design found me
5 Emotional Manifestors on 1 beach on the 31/12/2022 (from left)- Ruby, Radley, Amanda, Sandra & Will
So I'm about 2 years into my Human Design journey, I suppose and ngl, its only really been in the last 6 months of so that I've really started experience my design in a profound, embodied way. Particularly, discovering that I know quite a few Manifestors & being around them recently has really energising and inspiring for me. Especially when I had FIVE Manifestors together on New Year’ Eve daytime at the beach! It was quite something, let me tell you.
Human Design was first introduced to me by one of my longest and my bestest friend Freda Seto who also opened the door to reading Tarot. One day, I woke up to an email with a 50 page Google Doc explaining my whole HD chart, using bits of compiled material and her reflections to make up my first ever HD reading. Just like when she first mentioned Tarot, I thought to myself “wtf is this another new thing Freda is on about? I don’t think I need this”.
(Side note for the HD nerds, apparently my response might be due to the fact that Freda has a few projected channels- but tbh she’s always been so wise when she tells me about these things- she literally mentions it, invites me gently and leaves it there. And then ofc, about a year or two later, I’ve cottoned onto it and then I’m at her door being like tell me everything you know!!)
A year or two later, another Manifestor that I mentioned earlier, Sandra Washington mentioned HD in one of our early hangs and something went ping! in my memory. Upon learning that I too, was a Manifestor, she proceeded to give me some very relatable information about what being a Manifestor means which immediately got me interested. Sandra has manifested channels and I really feel like this is her super-power: making theory so accessible and interesting to the person she’s communicating with.
So of course I think it is very apt that my journey as a Manifestor began with two Manifestors and that special life-changing impact that all Manifestors bring and have with them.
Now I think it is important to note- and this is a distinction I learnt- that your energy type (the biggest category you are sorted into) is not your personality type. I am so different from every single Manifestor I know (and I know about 20 manifestors which is wild considering that we are 8-9% of the population); it really denotes how one uses their energy/ what kind of energy your body has.
My Manifestor Type
So I would like to caveat this and anything I say about HD that this is ofc, based on my understanding and experience of it. I am also not a die-hard loyalist to everything and anything Ra Uru Hu said lol. I still feel like I’m at a baby level of understanding and I am a experiential learner (my 3rd line hehe) when it comes to learning about theory. I find that I start of with understanding broad concepts, integrating them and as I go about my merry way, I start to learn about specifics.
A Short Summary of How Human Design has impacted me so far
Lke most Manifestors, I’ve completely realised that working a long-term 9-5 jobs drains me of my most creative energy and how liberating it is to not be chained to that or the money narrative behind that which says I need to be doing that.
Y'all will be glad to know that I've finally stopped wanting to be a fkn ManGen (nothing wrong with y'all MGs- I love y'all productive mfkn MG souls 😂).
But seriously, I realised that all the major people I compare myself to are ALL Generators/ burnt-out Projectors acting as Generators/ MGs. Along with the mute function on IG, realising I’m not here to be a Generator has really helped me break the habit of comparing myself to others who are constantly “generating” and “doing” way more than I am.
As a flow on effect, I’m comfortable with working less (and sometimes not at all- Manifestors have work and rest cycles). I’m here to work smart, not hard.
It has helped me learn how to be alone. So, according to my Human Design app where I store mine and all of your charts, my unconscious body thinks I’m a Reflector even though I am not. This knowledge made me realise that my body is so sensitive and open to other people’s energies that I’ve literally flipped from being the biggest extrovert anyone knows to being way more introverted than I ever thought I’d be- to the point where I spent New Years 2023 alone.
Learning about the Manifestor anger response (which is generally when I’m busy doing something and something interrupts me) and owning it has been such a powerful tool for empowerment. It has also helped me become a less angry person. It has helped me to greatly reduce my people-pleasing tendencies. I'm going from people pleaser to someone with a repelling aura reaaaal fast atm.
It is teaching me to be a better communicator: one of the key strategies of a Manifestor is to INFORM, so I’ve been working on informing people around me of what I need/want. This has helped me with anything from communication with flatmates (informing them about how their dirty dishes affects me) to getting what I want (informing friends I wanted these specific Citta candle holders for Xmas)
I'm only at the beginning of harnessing the deep power of being an awakened Manifestor and next stop, digging deep into that 3/5 profile and channels and gates etc and starting to integrate that into this page and how I serve y’all best.
I’ll be expanding on most of those points in more specific, detailed posts, but here’s all my sacral has for now. If you wanna get into HD, I highly recommend it- its a fkn 🔥 tool to actually help you go “fuck societal expectations” and be more yourself and most importantly, IN YOUR POWER.HAPPY HD-ing! Thank you for reading and… you’re welcome x